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Eucalyptus has a fresh and herbaceous aroma and is best known for the way in which it helps encourage deep, clear and open breathing, particularly when inhaled. This clarifying herb helps restore positive energy, bringing ease to the mind and relief and soothing to the body.

10mL amber bottle with orifice reducer cap


Suggested uses for eucalyptus essential oil:

Adults: add 4-7 drops to 10ml carrier oil of your choice (like fractionated coconut oil or jojoba) and apply to the chest

Add 4-12 drops to a bowl of steaming water/facial steamer and inhale deeply for 5-10 minutes

Add 5-10 drops to your diffuser of choice; add additional drops as desired

For massage, add 2 drops to 20ml of carrier oil

Less is more; for all methods of application, start with the lowest suggested number of drops and add according to your preference

Licensed uses for eucalyptus essential oil: used in aromatherapy to soothe respiratory discomfort

Product Information

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus

Plant Part: Leaves and Twigs

Origin: China

Processing Method: Steam Distilled

Aromatic Summary / Note / Strength of Aroma: A top note with a strong pungent aroma, Eucalyptus Globulus has an herbaceous scent with woody undertones.

Blends With: Basil, Cajeput, Cedarwood, Lavender, Lemon, and Tea Tree

Child Safe: No

Pregnancy Safe: Yes

Nursing Safe: No

Animal Safe: No

Precautions: Avoid if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy. For external use only, this is considered toxic if taken internally. Dilute before use; may cause skin irritation in some individuals, so a skin test is recommended prior to use. Avoid contact with eyes.

Storage: Keep out of direct sunlight; best kept in a cool, dark location for maximum shelf life.

Single Note | Eucalyptus

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